Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How Do I Finalize A Movie With Sv2000 Remote?

The Lulin has lost one of its tails

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mysore Mallige Blue Movi

The comet is very particular Lulin their 2-tailed

Monday, February 9, 2009

Pain In Back Of Thigh Testicles

The February 7 Sirius and Sirius B incaron the knee to the pastorgalactico

after many days without being able to observe by storms inexhaustible going through the Iberian peninsula, we had two days off and those days were used to collimate my 306mm F 4.8 dobsom of previous days was disassembled for some slight changes.
1 ยบ Putting a digital thermometer in the primary mirror by the back to be able to control asin the temperature of the mirror and know when to put the fan to work.
The thermometer is the one that came out a few days in lidl supermarkets, often simple and external temperature sensor with 3m cable and also gives the internal temperature.
The outside temperature sensor is attached to the rear mirror so it does not interfere in the slightest to the operation of the optics.
Since the mirror had thought I had him out cleaning to remove dust and asin how it happened.
I had prepared 10 liters of distilled water for that purpose, and the first 5 liters with soap were to soften the powder and then rub very gently with a cotton swab dipped in that water. The other 5 liters
served to clarify these 5 liters pouring over little by little without further mirror and the mirror look like new.
The first day the mirror was dedicated to canine clean thoroughly as when it was installed in the tube alone was collimated with a collimator chesire that even comes close to the perfect collimation lacks a touch that can only be achieved with the star TES and a star of some Mg 2 and polaris best for that mission.
achieved after just drive the barrel locking screw was watching a bit but seing was not very good and although I see some objects like Saturn and the moon will not stop me enjoying much vision as bad seing was not very pleasant.
The next day was also sunny and tranquil atmosphere with more or better seing, asin you were watching the stars and Saturn point seen in low height, might be a good night for a new attempt to unfold and see Sirius Sirius B. Pongo
Sirius to 297x using Hyperion 5mm, the image is superb and blinding at a time, but to split Sirius needed more chestnuts. Pongo's Hyperion
3.5 mm and with this and are 424x and the thing looks and better. Now with 424x
Sirius is seen and unseen and we must be prepared for when the center of the eyepiece field where more clarity is provided by the telescope.
I am located in the field of ocular GUIDE to 8.0 and check which way the Sirius I have to set me to discern Sirius B, telescopic vision to the right of Sirius and very close to the must-see.
I hope the time and his face lights up instantly to see what I have tried many times unsuccessfully to see Sirius B is near to and very close to the Syrian.
As wireless stitches I never tried again and if indeed is Sirius B at a position angle of 92 ° with Sirius.
For those who want to try the doubling of Sirius, I have to say that every year that passes will be more easy to split and for that you get this table taken from the 8.0 GUIDE. and as you will see will go separately to the year 2023 with 11.27 "
To this must also have to find the perfect night so long ago is also the optics is clean and a fine collimation and a lot of patience.
Year Year PA Sep Sep Sep Year PA (")
---- - --- ---- - --- ---- - ---
2009.0 94.5 8.43 2014.0 80.8 10.07 2019.0 70.3 11.04 2010.0
91.4 8.81 2015.0 78.5 10.32 2020.0 68.3 11.15
2011.0 88.4 9.16 2016.0 76.3 10.54 2021.0 66.5 11.22
2012.0 85.7 9.49 2017.0 74.2 10.74 2022.0 64.6 11.27
2013.0 83.2 9.79 2018.0 72.2 10.91 2023.0 62.7 11.27