Friday, November 12, 2010

Third Birthday Invite Wording

flowers on the dresses of the young ladies of honor .-- Darling Sunny Daffodils Become a Maggie Sotero

These daffodils make a new ornament for the dresses of girls accompanying the bride. This motif is best viewed in simple dresses with other small ornaments. First flower is sewn to tape (may be store-bought or handmade) at the foot of each dress. They form the stems and leaves of 3 / 8 and 7/6-inch-wide green grosgrain ribbons.
All dresses can support the weight of the flowers except the very delicate dresses. Photography dresses are made of silk shantung light green
Darling Sunny Daffodils Become a Detail Dress Here is a playful way to Distinguish the flower girls 'dresses from the bridesmaids'. This adornment looks best on simple dresses with little embellishment Other. First sew a pre-made ribbon flower to the skirt of Each dress; These store-bought daffodils Are Made of wired ribbon. Then form stems and leaves from green 7/8-inch-wide 3/8- and grosgrain ribbons. Iron
on using fusible tape or sew on with matching thread. All but the most delicate fabrics can sustain the weight of the flowers. These dresses, from Simple Silhouettes, are made of light-green silk shantung.


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