Monday, May 2, 2011

Female Adolescent Genital Exam

Billy Wilder - Front Page

Hildy Johnson ( Jack Lemmon) is a famous journalist Chicago Examiner. He announces to his boss, Walter Burns (Walter Matthau ) of his intention to leave work to marry the young pianist Peggy Grant (Susan Sarandon ). However, Burns is committed to Hildy makes the article on the execution of the year. Earn Williams (Austin Pendleton ) will be hanged the next day by killing a policeman. Burn will do their utmost to avoid that Hildy leave their profession.

Billy Wilder is one of my favorite directors but this is not one of his greatest films. I am aware of the good reputation that precedes him but not for me to help her. And it's a good movie, no doubt. It's still light years " The Sunset Boulevard", " Some Like It Hot " or "1,2,3 ...." In fact, during the first hour of viewing, I thought it just was not the day. I thought maybe he was very tired and so anything that happened to me was funny. We went to sleep because it was too late and leave the rest of the tape for the next day. And no, a new day did not improve my opinion.

The script is adapted from the play and it shows. Certainly has a very theatrical style markup. For the curious, the book is "Front Page" by Ben Hecht and Charles McArthur.
Best of the script is hard to criticize everything that can be criticized: the Communists, conservatives, journalists, electoral system, the police ... There
notable moments, as when
- sheriff and the mayor decide to hide the pardon that the Governor has granted to Williams in order to facilitate the reelection of the second in the next election.
-O when you close your usual brothel prostitution pretend to pursue.
- All journalists meet in the press room to call their newsrooms below to give some of the events. Each of a different version, inventing facts on the fly to give a much larger drama.

The script has great characters:
Hildy, who wants to leave a world that really has a passion to lead a quieter life.
Peggy, a world of patience is clear that their marriage will not work if Hildy continues to write for a newspaper.
Burns, inventing a thousand tricks to stay Hildy. This is the best character, no doubt. The king of demagoguery, blackmail and lies. A monster of journalism.
The mayor, chief of the city worthy.
The sheriff, ready for all to see Williams died.
The prostitute. The prostitute is my favorite. Carol Burnett does an awesome job.
also stressed the homosexual. It is not a common sight in films of the era. In fact, they used to remove the indents, as Elia Kazan made all the plays of Tennessee Williams that led to the movies. But here is a character. I was struck that ended: with your partner, putting an antique shop in Cotte Island. I think that was the beginning of a stereotype that has reached our days.

The performances are outstanding, all of them. Have chosen a great cast and it shows. I stressed to the unknown prostitute, which makes an interpretation enviable.

The direction is good work worthy of its director. Links very well the scenes and shots are perfect.

makeup of the soil always complain, it's fantastic. No highlights men and women adapt to social class. Peggy takes a make a lot more discreet than the prostitute. It's one of those little details that make a difference.

The lighting is very successful. Especially in outdoor scenes. Since most of the scenes are at night, the play of light and shadow is perfect.

Writing the review I realized that I have very little to say about music. All I can stress is Susan Sarandon singing. I leave it in the trailer, has been unable to find the piece separately:

Note: a six. Okay, no more. He failed to make me laugh despite being supposedly funny.


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