Monday, May 16, 2011

Shiny Thong Leotard Shop

Alberto Vazquez Figueroa - Cienfuegos III: Azabache

I proceed to write the review of the third installment of the series Cienfuegos to an end the fourth. Yes, gentlemen, I spend so much time getting to and from class, the books of 250 pages, I take two days. It is what it is. Good thing the fate weekends Laura, and the 360 \u200b\u200bfilm, because I think if no ... no win for books.

This review contains spoilers of the two previous books (which I clarify because I do not remember what appeared to walk in each).

The goatherd red drifted when it was discovered by a Portuguese ship, captained by a nasty bastard and little guy with a "huge testicle size a coconut ", which pays his anger with his frightened crew. There, a black-UluƩ azav Dahomeyan call-Che-GanviƩ, which usually called Azabache, puts you in position and gives a series of advice. And of bells and whistles, after throw off the yoke of such a grotesque master, Black Canary and explore together the mainland of South America.

As in previous installments, Beauty focuses on the path of various peoples and awareness of different traditions and approaches, combining a charm what is known historically as a set of assumptions of the author. But where the book is changing and growing, is in the proportion who stars in the goatherd. Ingrid chapters are more and more abundant. Its chapters are, in general, the epic adventure of Cienfuegos as is evident, and focus more on the sentimental novel; party in fact was never forgotten. In fact, I never stop wondering if it's a love story with adventure, a romance or love. And this love is depicted in a so passionate, so consumed, so flaming that I personally do not know to what extent the author intended it to be the center of the work or the eternal backdrop.

"A New World, old vices. And even worse "

I must admit that the first I read these books it was very clear: Ingrid was filling. What mattered, and what was cool was to witness the adventures and misadventures of the goatherd in the wilderness and unknown, and even in the chapters of Ingrid, chicha was in sharp tongue formidable swordsman Alonso de Ojeda, now ... I do not know what to say. Actually, love is described as exaggerated a little bit bored me, but Ingrid explains his thoughts so delicate, so ... princesil , this time I can not help reading it with some grace.

What I want to emphasize is that it lowers the pace a bit ... and I feel great, to my utter surprise. There are more detailed descriptions, there is some insight into important secondary characters and makes us share their aspirations and ideas your secrets and worries. It falls as rain in summer, because although I believe that the frenzied pace is a great asset, there comes a time when every reader wants to know the characters they examined from its privileged position. In these three books we've found a couple of things de Ojeda, a half dozen of Juan de la Cosa and perhaps a dozen Luis de Torres, Figueroa details for us only the goatherd and Ingrid, but now is starting to show an effort to color the world, by giving some depth to the most important secondary characters. The most notable case is, of course, Beauty, who in this book know it as much or more depth than any other character introduced so far, but also delves a bit into the past of old acquaintances, such as cripple or terrible Bonifacio Luna Lion.

Note: 9. Jet seems to me a book practically flawless, but unfortunately, the simple and exaggeration of one of the main themes of the book, the eternal and unwavering love that binds them together for 7 long years that have never seen me from morally give it a 10 that would give otherwise.

Other novels in this series and other reviews of the author (in this case fully agree):
Cienfuegos II: Caribbean.


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