Billy (Brad Davis ), a young American, visiting Turkey with his girlfriend (Irene Miracle ) in 1970. Without telling her, decides to carry several packages of hashish pegándolos a su cuerpo. Pero lo descubren durante un control en el que las autoridades turcas buscaban terroristas.
A partir de ahí comienza una dura lucha para salir de la infernal cárcel en la que es encerrado.
This film is not pretty or easy to see. It is very hard and does not save anything at the time to reflect the cruelty, suffering and violence.
The great failure of this film is the first half hour. Help context, it is true. But the note a bit poorer. Too slow for my taste. It is the only failure of a script that atrevidísimo few things. Child abuse, homosexuality, bribery, corruption, beatings ... all exposed to our view without any shame. makes it not the Turkish government of the time but not the American. No let-headed puppet. The dialogues are
millimeter care and coordinate perfectly with the scenes. The events are fine yarn and the tension is palpable. A great work of Oscar-winning Oliver Stone .
As certainly outstanding performances of Brad Davis. Is an interpretation that is breathtaking. It is credible for a boyfriend happy, then as a prisoner and finally as a mentally unbalanced that you have disconnected with reality.
The rest of the cast does not detract at all. The scene in which: his girlfriend are visiting and he asks her to show her breast to masturbate is pure desperation on the part of both of the best I've ever seen.
Management plays well with the lights and shadows. Take a great game to darkness. Play with plans that we may seem strange but get a great effect with the lighting, the script and performances. Great job Alan Parker .
The makeup is very good. The characters seem constantly dirty and abused. There is a remarkable work of characterization to achieve resemblance between the characters real and fictional.
The sets are what they should be: dirty. Disgust. A continuous feeling of dirt, disgust when thinking about touching anything that belongs to that place. Dusty streets, prisons that are falling chunks, prisoners who bathe and ten minutes are already covered with the scab that permeates everything.
music. Uff, music. Music won the Oscar for best soundtrack and I still wonder why. It has a good track: Istanbul Blues. The rest is techno seventies bad. So bad it's uncomfortable to hear. Greatly enhanced if we had to listen to such nonsense. I've heard in Spotify to see if the problem was sound quality of the time but no, it is very bad.
The dubbing is very good, so what you can see it without any problem.
-The actors chosen for Billy and his father are identical to the real. Another great work of makeup.
-is based on real events.
-is based on the book "Midnight Express" written by Billy Hayes himself.
-Oscar for Best Soundtrack, Giorgio Moroder.
-Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay, Oliver Stone.
Note: 8. The first half hour and the music take away points. But it remains a very good movie and has not aged badly.
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