Desperate Housewives is an ABC series created by Marc Cherry, who is about the mysteries that occur in an American suburb.
On Wisteria Lane, as it is called the neighborhood, a group of friends left to talk and play cards. They are: Bree Van De Kamp, Susan Mayer, Lynette Scavo, Gabrielle Solis Mary Alice Young. In the first season, the mystery, in fact, is the suicide of Mary Alice Young. Why did that happen? What happened?
That's the main thing, of course, each character has a secondary subplot and, occasionally, lesser mysteries arise that advance the plot a bit. Lynette tries to make time to care for his monstrous children, some children are spoiled and unbearable that the worst of the series, Bree attempts to fix a marriage that falls apart so unstoppable, Gabrielle tries to prevent her husband learns of the romance he has with a gardener 15 or 16 years, Susan tries camelar Mike Delfino, a neighbor who just came to the neighborhood.
The characters, the truth, I was not too interesting. They are pulling a typical characters mired in some situations, mysteries aside, are pretty manners. Women with children, Gabrielle telenovela (how appropriate, right? I'm surprised no one has complained about the racist melodrama is the story of living the Mexican telenovela and not any other), the pair seems to be broken. The truth is that the only note of color is the character of Susan, so innocent, jinx and, at times, stupid that is, which can add to the mystery and soap opera drama with a little humor. Among the side, however, there is one that attaches itself enough, as Mike Delfino, Paul Young and Julie Mayer (Susan's daughter) who, broadly speaking, is the voice of reason from her mother.
Dialogues, in general, it seems a bit topical, one is original or graciosillo, but are the least and take too long to resolve situations, making small setbacks to maintain constant controlled plot and get a season each mystery to force minor subplots extending to infinity and beyond (or at least see that the second season this methodology is maintained).
Among its music has a good atmosphere (I just saw called "incidental music") great, a fantastic job of Steve Jablonsky, like the intro music, by Danny Elfman's always great, although I can not help note that the visual part of the intro not I especially like (today makes clear, not like when I spoke of the curtain for the submission of Mad Men). During the chapters, the management is very good, and all work is lovely image: the color with the light tone of story a little sick, clothing, scenarios ... In addition, the actresses in the series, especially Teri Hatcher, in my opinion, play a key role in giving interest or substance to their characters. Susan is worth something to the extent that Hatcher manages to convey something with their smiles dupes underlying, often, evil nature of Susan.
Note: 6. The series is good, and it meets; chapters have fun and dramatic chapters and none of them look bad. Maybe what threw me back over the first were the characters of Charles and Gabrielle, who were not only topical, but were the topic of something I dislike in itself: telenovelas. However, other points in the series took him to see the series with some interest.
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